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Turtle Behavior

22 13:32:50

QUESTION: I rescued a turtle that was about to be run over on the highway. I researched a general outside habitat for him. I think he is a slider turtle. I got a kiddie pool and it is full with enough water where he can swim and not drown and I put strawberries, kale and romain lettuce in there he has a big rock he can climb on to to get out but he never does. He spends all his time swimming at the walls of the pool as if he wants to get out or something and he has not eaten anything in days so far that I can tell do you know what is happening to my turtle? I just want to know if he is unhappy and needs to be returned to the wild I don't want him to die. Thank You.

ANSWER: Hi Rachelle,

Thank you for stopping and rescuing the turle, most people would not take the time and risk of stopping and sadly, others actually attempt to run over them!

It can be difficult to acclimate wild animals to captivity and a captive diet, especially if they are adults. It may be best to release it where he/she can go on and live his life as intended, risks and all. You didn't mention the size but if it is an adult and was crossing a highway you may have intercepted a female that is looking for soil spot to bury her eggs. That is often their motivation for crossing roadways at this time of year.

Sliders take a varied diet including plants/veggies but they are very fond of live insects, fish and worms as well, especially young turtles. You might have better luck by offering earthworms, small feeder fish, crickets etc. These can be found at reptile supply stores and fishing stores that sell bait.  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: So why do you think the turtle keeps swimming at the wall of the pool?

Hi Rachelle,

Wild reptiles can have a very difficult time adjusting to limited space. He has never encountered a "wall" or limit to his movement before and can't understand it! He is used to virtually limitless space. Even captive bred turtles and tortoises will often explore and challenge the wall of their enclosures constantly trying to get out. Wild animals can become stressed to the point of death by this behaviour. Turtles can be very territorial and he may be trying to get back to his territory.