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my bearded dragons to skinny

22 13:32:50

hi i recently brought a pair of bearded dragons offline they are adults about 2-3 years old but are both underweight hes more underweight both are at about 17" he weighs in at about 270g and shes about 340g but that's not all about three days ago i discovered she has eggs in her belly
what's the best way to help her through this and how long before birth do bearded dragons eggs form in the mothers belly?
i want to  know how long i got to prepare myself and her

Without knowing when the she was mated its really hard to tell.  But she will begin digging test sites for egg laying when she gets closer to laying.  Provide her with an extra amount of calcium and this will reduce the amount of stress she goes through in the production and egg laying phase.  Feed heavy for about three weeks to get them up to the weight that they need and hold off on handling as this is stressful for them when they have just been shipped.  Please see my blog at the website listed in the signature as well. I am currently covering Bearded Dragons.