Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > chinest fire bellied newt

chinest fire bellied newt

22 14:46:20

Help!  We have had our newt for about 2 years and he's been a great pet, no problems.  This morning we find that he is gone from his aquarium!  There are no obvious signs of how he escaped, so we don't have a clue what happened.

My question is is there some "obvious" place within the house we should look for him, perhaps some area that he may be more likely to be hiding in?   I'm worried that our dogs may find him.  :(

Thanks for any insight!

Hello Amy, if you are worried about your dogs then could you take the dogs outside and look for him? Could your dog have gotten to him from his aquarium? Have they ever seemed interested in the little newt? No cats then? Well newts like water so check in bathrooms if he escaped then he will want to go towards the sent of water. Try under the sink area. Bathrooms. Anywhere you might think of water being. Did your aquarium have a lid? They can climb up the walls.
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Try to look in small dark hiding places.
If you want you can place bowls of water around the house in bedrooms and what not and see if he finds them. Good luck and I hope you can figure out where he went.