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lost bearded dragon

22 14:27:21

I am not sure what to expect as far as actually being able to find our dragon. We bought a wire cage for our 1.5 to 2.5 year-old male bearded dragon yesterday so he can bask in the sun in our back yard. He escaped from it and we have checked the back yard as well as up and down the alley way (which leads to a creek) We live in a suburban neighborhood - many places for the dragon to hide. I am curious if he would try to return home or if there are any "tricks" in trying to locate where he may have ran too? We are in North Texas and it is record temps right now. I'm so upset, I don't really know where to turn. Any advice would be greatly appreciated

Hello Mary, I am sorry he is lost.

Go to and post an ad (its free) in your area saying you lost him. That way if anybody in your area found one they can email you.

Post flyers.
Go to the nearest animal rescue/shelter and let them know yours is missing just in case somebody brings one in or calls it in.
Go to your pet store and let them know (sometimes people will find them and take them to the pet store looking for help on what to do)

Maybe an ad in your local newspaper?

He will be attracted to food and water, and of course heat. They can withstand temperatures over 115 degrees. If its really hot look for shaded areas.

Dont give up on him, many people find their lost lizards hiding under their house. Could he have gotten down there?

Offer a large bowl of water outside where he escaped from.

I am sorry, I am not sure what else you can do.

Good luck