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Bearded Dragon Cleaning

22 14:28:41

Hi there again!

I was wondering if you could give me any tips on how to clean my tank? I am planning to clean my BD's tank tomorrow and wanted to know to efficiently clean his tank.

Hi Tedd,
It depends on if you are  cleaning, disinfecting or sterilizing....
For just general cleaning, there are several items you can use...Simple green,dishwashing liquid...are just a sample. Hot water is a must..if you are able to take the tank to the tub, it makes it easier to clean it..just be sure to never use any pine scented cleaners...Always be sure to rinse, rinse rinse!!!!!. Change the substrate....wash off any branches that may have become soiled..of course this should be done as soon as you see any "poop" on the branches.  Dishes should also be washed daily. Make sure everything you wash is rinsed very well with hot water and dried completely before putting your dragon back in the tank.  You can turn your lights/heat on in the tank to help dry the items before putting your dragon in.
Here is a great link that explains the differences between cleaning and disinfecting/sterilizing..with ideas on how to do each.
With giving you the link, you can then bookmark it or even print it out to have easy access to it.