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Best for a Beginner?

22 14:44:57

QUESTION: Hi, I've kept 2 Leopard Geckos and a Desert-dwelling lizard with a ridiculasly long name that I think the Pet-shop made up. (Something like: Spikey Running desert lizard thingy. I think it could of been a Beardie or a Zebra-tailed Lizrd :) I must admit I was younger and stupider and didn't have a clue and I only wanted them because they looked cool. I belived everthing the pet shop told me. I still feel guilty about the poor lizards must have been put through. I want to start afresh though, a few years on, knowing what I'm doing and having spent hours upon hours trawelling through the Internet looking up stuff about them. Is there any lizard good for a beginner that:
1) Don't require over 40 gallons to live comfortably in.
2) Won't freak out if I need to handle it
3) Dosen't have a VERY painful bite (Tokay Gecko :)
4) Dosen't eat mice (my parents rule, not mine)
5) Is diurnal
6) Is not a Leopard Gecko
I am willing to put in the work and feeding live food dosen't bother me. If such a lizard exsists please let me know.

ANSWER: Hello Nicole, first off I have to thank you for wanting to do research first and adding all of the needs written out for me its really helpful.
As for beginner lizards the best is a Leopard Gecko then a Bearded Dragon.
But to answer your needs... Lets narrow it down
1) A lot can live comfortably under 40 gallons but no bearded dragons..
2) Thats not too common, most lizards dislike everything about being handled except that your body heat is warm.
3) Its rare to find a bite like the Tokay's and that really shouldn't be a problem as most lizards prefer not to bite (except as you probably know the Tokay)
4) Many lizards don't HAVE to eat mice, my Chinese Water Dragons can but I don't feed them mice because its not a needed in their diet. (it can also make them mean *so some people say*)
5) Leopard Gecko is nocturnal as with most geckos but that still leaves tons into the open..
6) That leaves every other lizard open...

Mkay so what I am thinking is
Maybe a 5 lined skink. They are usually pretty calm when handled but its all up to the personality of the lizard, he can live in a 30 gallon and 20 is the VERY minimum and some people say that its way to small so I would say go with a 30. They don't usually bite and when they do it can bleed but most of the time its just a test nip and doesn't even get red. So just don't make him angry with you they aren't vicious lizards. They don't need mice so that works good. They are diurnal so another plus. And best of all they are not a leopard gecko. So here is a care sheet and a picture of one

Another option is the Collared lizard which is great for all of your needs except being handled. THey love to run and they love to jump. They can do both very well and dont really like to sit still. So if you need more options let me know. Need more information let me know and good luck to you and your new upcoming pet!
Collared Lizard Picture:
Collared Lizard Caresheet:

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, first thanks for the great answer, The 5 lined Skink sounds good. What would be the best and biggest size tank for one? Do they do better by themselves of in a pair? What kind of humidity and temperature do they need? (Temp in Celsius please, I haven't a clue when it comes to Farienheight, we're in metrics where I come from =) I heard they are burrowing lizards, what would be a good substrate? Any thing else would be great. Thanks a million.

Hello Nicole, very glad I could help. The 5 lined Skink is a very popular pet lizard. The best size tank for one single lizard would be a 30 gallon and he/she can live his/her entire life in there. Although bigger is always better a 40 would be GREAT for him though. They do best by themselves and live solitary in the wild and they can be territorial and get into fatal fights on occasion. So I suggest just getting the one. Although sometimes pairs will get along its best not to risk it. Humidity should be between 55% and 75% they are found in a variety of climates and any between that is great. Live plants are great at keeping the humidity up. As for temperatures, you want a cool side and a warm side the cool side should be 24C to 27C (I found a temperature converter!) and on the warm side it needs to be about 32C This can be obtained using a heat lamp on the warm side and a digital thermometer/hygrometer. You are correct they do burrow and I find that for burrowing lizards you can either use an organic soil (sold at most stores like wal*mart, home depot, Lowes and any other home improvement or gardening store) Whats easier to find however is a thing called Eco-Earth I get mine at the local PetCo store and it comes in a brick that you put in water and it expands. All it is is compressed coconut fiber. It works well and easy to hold in moisture.
Remember you also need UV lighting to help him digest his food and grow. Without it he can become very sick. I will give you some links to some good informative sites. Good luck and let me know if there is anything else you need. Have fun with the guy when you get him. *I am very excited for you**

Copy and paste the URL into your address bar on the top of your screen if the link does not work

I hope that helps