Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Travel with bearded dragon!

Travel with bearded dragon!

22 13:56:24

QUESTION: Hello! I saw you answered questions about moving a bearded dragon from state to state but I wanted to know if UPS will be able ship my baby boy in Europe. We are moving to Paris and I am suppose to bring all the pet a week before. A cat and my dragon. I thought I will be able to have him with me as he's small and clean. Oh boy I am so nervous to ship him!! What if they are too rough with him or something happen! I love my little man and cannot think about giving him away.

Thank you.

ANSWER: Hello Nathalie,

Isn't it totally ridiculous that they will not allow such a small animal with you on a plane?  I think that is so dumb.  
UPS does very well with live shipments with animals as long as the box is clearly marked LIVE ANIMAL!!  You will have to make sure he is packed well enough to where he doesn't move around & is greatly padded so he doesn't get jostled.  It is routinely done all of the time, especially with people importing dragons or other reptiles.
I don't blame you for not wanting to give him away just because you are moving.  He IS your baby.  
You will have to send him next day air though, so he doesn't sit in the box too long.  That is their requirement though with live animals, the only option is next day air so it is a bit expensive, but well worth it.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I so agree with you! I would have put him in a shoe box with his bedding and a heated bag and here we go. It's not even a dangerous or messy pet. They don't even smell. But anyway I am glad I will be able to ship him. I'm happy to pay for the next day shipping cause he's my little man!
Thank you for your fast answer! My vet said he will show me how to pack him properly. It is so weird, I feel like I am posting a letter. Flying will be so easier!

Thank you so much!!

Hello Nathalie,

I know, dogs & cats will knock you out if you are on a plane with them & it is unfair that we can't take a small little dragon with us!  
You are welcome.  That is great your vet will show you how to pack him properly.  It is easy but just needs to be done a particular way to avoid injury but it is done all of the time.  No worries.
UPS is probably the best way to ship, they are consistent in quality with live animals & feeders.
Good luck.  Let me know how it goes.
