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Louie (Lucy) Veiled Chameleon

22 14:31:48

Hi Again Yexalen, You've been so helpful i thought you'd be the best person to ask this question. I have been trying to vary what Louie eats and she seems happy to eat anything that moves!! Once a week she even gets a couple of small Waxworms..... (Treat only). I also tried her on really small locusts and she loves these but i'm worried that they are not very nutritious?? I Gut-load them with spinach (dusted with Calcium) before feeding her and they are dusted with Calcium every second feed. Would they be as nutritious as Crickets? Also the Insect dust i have is Calcium only. My local petshop only sells this supplement. Would you advise getting a multi vitamin powder as well. The info i've read on the net is very un-clear whether its needed.
Thanks again Stacey

Hi Stacey, good to hear she is a eater. Some refuse to eat anything.

Locusts are actually a good food item. Here in the US they aren't found very easily so though staple is cricket but in the UK where its more difficult to get crickets locusts are the primary food source for pet reptiles. And if you are gutloading all your insects before feeding the gutload should have enough vitamins and the powder would probably over do it.

I am not sure about the nutritional content on Locusts compared to crickets but I do know that people in the UK feed Locusts with the little variety of worms and never touch crickets. So I beleive they would be very similar.

There is no problem feeding them to your Chameleon, and variety is key so mix it up like you have been doing.

Best of luck,