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Leopard gecko Enclosure

22 14:14:07

Can u list the things i need in their enclosure
and is a heat lamp necessary or can u use a heat mat
instead or both .

Hello Keith,

You will need a 10gallon or a 20gallon tank for your leopard gecko.
A heatmat or undertank heater on one end with a low wattage basking bulb in conjunction with the undertank heater.  The recommended basking temps or hot end should be around 88-90 or so.  The cool end should be around 80 or so.
He needs a half log on the cooler end so he can have something to lay underneath during the day.  He also needs a cave or hide on top of the undertank heater with some type of moss such as spaghmum moistened daily to help with shedding.
A small water dish is needed as well.  
As far as substrate, try reptile carpet, felt, tiles, or non adhesive shelf liner.
