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22 13:58:23

Hi, I'm Catalina an i'm going to be moving to Nc, An i live here in FL,Can i keep my breaded dragon in his 10 gallon tank  and keep him warm with a heating pad an a 75w bulb (basking) light using a power car converter?

 Actually it would be safer for him in s pet carrier or even a ahoe box and getting those chemicak hand warmers from a sports shop. Read how long the heat pack lasts and get as many as you will need for the trip, so if you have 5 hour heat packs for a ten hour trip, buy four (back ups are always good)  place the activated pack on the bottom of box or carrier, cover with a towel, then add beardie.  In the dark, the beardie will sleep for the entire trip.  A glass tank with light bulbs is more hazardous when you think that there is always a chance of stopping short, better just to pack them safely for use at your destination.