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my corn snake

22 13:27:30

my snake went missing about 6 months ago. i forgot about him presumed he was sadly gone for good but he turned up today. he is very thin and was cold. i don't have a tank for him right this moment but i have a  plastic vented box i picked him up in when i brought him. i have put him in there with lots of soft towels and have put i warm not hot, hot water bottle in there wrapped up tight in a towel. he has drank allot and sat in the water too but i cant get him to eat his mouse, he just ain't interested at all, he is moving around but not all that much. there are no signs on him of a problem and his eyes look fine what should i do?

I'm not sure how long you gave him to warm up...  But, I would have or would wait at least 2 days before attempting a feed.  Depending on how thin he is he might need a vets help to bring him back.  Can you send me a picture?  Also, you might need to try a smaller mouse than he was eating before.