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Leopard geckos/fat tailed geckos

22 15:10:38


Do loepard geckos and fat tailed geckos have the same temperment? do are they both the same size? can they be housed together?

How long do they live?

How many adult leopard geckos can be kept in a 33 gallon tank? will it hold a male and two females comtrably?

The leopard geckos I saw are about three/three and a half inches snout to vent how old do you think these are? Also I am wanting to try to reproduce a few of them in the future, I can only afford one now, do you think I should get a male or a female to start? Are males and females readily avaliable or are males seen more offen then females or vice versa?

Also when I go to get my second one will it have to be the same size as the one I got first or can it be a little bigger or a little smaller? Will it need to be in a different tank for a little while before going in with the old one?

Are there some colors that shouldnt be bred together or does everything go?

Thank you for any help in advance  

you shouldn't house those two species together. Fat-Tailed Geckos are from Africa, Leopard Geckos from Iran, Afghantistan and Pakistan. Leos need to hibernate in the winter and Fat-Tailed Geckos don't. They are more shy than the Leos and might be bullied by them, causing the animals     unnecessary stress, although they have generally the same size (around 8 inches).
Leos can reach an age of ten years or more, the same goes for Fat-Tailed Geckos.

You can keep two Leos in a 33 gallon tank (if it's a long one). If you get a 40 or 50 gallon, you can keep a male and two females. That's my opinion, although most American websites recommend much smaller enclosures. But I think that if you want the animals to prosper and not just live, you need that much room.

The Leos you saw where not adult and are probably less than one year old. Get a male for the start, you can always buy more females (two males will fight). I live in Germany and cannot really say whether more males or females are sold elsewhere. In Germany both sexes are generally available.

If your next geckos is a bit smaller than the old one (less than an inch), there shouldn't be a problem. You need to put the new animal in quarantine for at least for weeks and take it to a vet specialized in reptiles to check for any illnesses (let a excrement sample be tested for parasites).

I really don't know about breeding for colour and the problems. I've never heard of any problems when breeding two Leos of different colour, but that doesn't mean there aren't any. I advise you look for a breeder in your vicinity. You can ask him (or her) about this problem and you'll have someone with experience to help you with other problems. Plus you can buy your animals there. Animals from breeders are generally healthier than pet shops-animals and used to human contact.
I hope I was of some help to you