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housing/life span/breeding/bedding/feeding

22 15:10:38


How long do leopard geckos live?

What kind of bedding can I use I have some repi bark but I fear that they will swollow this, can paper towles be used? can I use cali sand? it says its safe when swollowed is this true? what about newspaper?

How much and how offen do they need to be fed?

How many adult leopard geckos can be kept in a 33 gallon tank? will it hold a male and two females comtrably?

The leopard geckos I saw are about three/three and a half inches snout to vent how old do you think these are? Also I am wanting to try to reproduce a few of them in the future, I can only afford one now, do you think I should get a male or a female to start? Are males and females readily avaliable or are males seen more offen then females or vice versa?

Also when I go to get my second one will it have to be the same size as the one I got first or can it be a little bigger or a little smaller? Will it need to be in a different tank for a little while before going in with the old one?

Are there some colors that shouldnt be bred together or does everything go?

Thank you for any help in advance  

1.  Leopard Geckos live up to 30 years
2.  Do not use repi bark
3.  Paper towles and Newspaper can be used
4.  Cal Sand is supposed to be swallowed but not in large quantity
5.  Leopard Geckos are weird how they eat.  They eat a lot at first when their young and then they eat very little then they eat less than when they were young but more then they were middle age.  I feed mine 5 every other night but she's 2 yrs old.
6.  If you have a male and two females you WILL have two pregnant females.  You can have three to four females in a 33 gallon tank but you have to have a lot of hiding spaces.  You can only have ONE male in a tank.  They are like dogs they will fight til the death over territory.
7.  A Leopard Geckos snout does NOT get over two", you must have saw something else.  A Leopard Gecko gets about seven to ten".
8.  What do I think you should get to start?  It doesn't really matter at all.
9.  It dependes on where you live.  Where I live they are both avaliable and you can also buy them over the internet.
10. They won't be the same size as male leopard geckos are bigger than females leopard geckos.  But a female can lay eggs up to 8 years so you will be on an age restraint.
11. You will have to seperate them after they mate because the male will try to kill the female for the territoryal reason.
12. It sounds like your a bit short on money so you might just want to stick with Normal Leopard Geckos.  So of the different morphs and phases can go up into the 1,000 of dollars.
13. Websites:
You can also go to and type in "Leopard Gecko care sheets" and you will find out more information on how to care for and breed Leopard Geckos.
Hope this helps,
Tyler F.