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Introducing male chinese water dragon to a female

22 13:54:18


I have a 2 year old female chinese water dragon. My husband and I have been thinking about buying a 3 year old male dragon.  
My concern is introduction and will it be ok to put them in the same enclosure?  I've done alot of research and haven't found anything about them being aggresive lizards but I'm still worried about my girl.  


Any help at all would be nice.

Hi Monique,
Its tough to say if they will get along.  Many prefer to just be alone.  It can go either way.  The male may not like the female or the other way around..or, they may get along fine.
When housed together its important to be sure they have enough space(basically about double of the recommended size) and that both are getting all the heat, food,uvb, etc they need.  They must be monitored to make sure one is not keeping the other from getting what it needs.
Of course you will have breeding issues which can be stressful on both sexes. Breeding can also get ugly and the male may  harm the female.
With two females, there may be aggression problems also and of course males can never be housed together as they will fight til death.
When bringing any new lizard into the home, the new one must be quarantined for at least a month as to prevent any threat of a disease being passed on.
In a nutshell, the only way to know if they are going to get along is after they are together.
The female may not like the male invading her space.  If you choose to go ahead and get the male, after the recommended quarantine time(yep, this means you need a whole set up for him) is to introduce them on neutral territory.  Since the male will need to have his own set up for the quarantine period, if they don't get along at least you will be able to put him back into his own cage. Here is a link that has decent info on this and more info on CWD care, etc.