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Traveling with Chameleon

22 13:55:22



I have a question on whether its not to travel by air with my chameleon. At the moment, I currently own a male Veiled who is about 3 years old. I have been very very lucky to get a chameleon with the sweetest personality. In all the years I've owned him, he hasn't seemed to get stressed very easily over anything. I have traveled with him once before and he was perfectly fine for an eight hour car drive (i just put a blanket over his cage). I was planning to bring him home on the plane with me to San Diego for Christmas because I can't find anyone who will be able to watch him for me. Any information you could give would be very appreciated.
Thank you,


 A plane is not a good idea at all.  You can't have him in the cabin with you, and I would not trust the cargo hold at all!  Too many furries have died from the cold, a cham would have worse luck.  My vet will board my critters if I have to fly, why noy check with yours to see if he will board your cham while you are away.