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Why does my dragon all of the sudden hate me?

22 14:10:12

Hello?  My dragon is 8 months old and I have had him since Easter.  I have handled him everyday with no problems.  All of the sudden the last three days he puffs up and hisses at me.  I've tried just petting him like I have read on other sites, but as soon as I go to pick him up he runs away puffs up and hisses at me.  Why is he doing this all of the sudden?  He is eating and has recently he did shed.  Thanks

Hello Caci,

Hm, that is very odd.  How are you picking him up?  From overhead or are you scooping him up from underneath?
At 8 months, he has reached puberty & will test the waters.  The very best thing you can do is to pick him up anyway.  When he hisses, try putting a piece of green in his mouth.  Don't back down otherwise, he will think that he has scared you & has won the battle.  :-))
You have to show him that you are not scared of him.  As soon as he realizes that he is not a "scary dragon" then he should stop that behavior.  He is just asserting himself.    
