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Baby snakes

22 13:24:20

I found a baby snake outside my door last night on the concrete next to my garage door, do I need to be concerned about a snake infestation? I was worried that a snake may have had babies nearby and don't want them getting into my suburban home. Sounds silly I know, but is there anything I can do to discourage them from staying around?
Considering the area, it was probably a bull or garter snake.
I don't have much shrubbery around the home but there is some.
I just don't do snakes...don't want to kill them either, just want them to stay away!

Where there are people-there is garbage.  Where there is garbage-there are rodents.  Where there are rodents-WE NEED SNAKES!  LOL  

You certainly don't need to worry about a snake infestation.  There's been what-ONE-in recent history, so don't put the house up for sale just yet.  Just learn about the snakes local to your area (know any of the venomous ones by sight), teach any kids you have not to mess with them, and let them continue to protect you and your family from nasty things like say: plague, Hanta virus, rabies, and oh yes-a rodent infestation (which is MUCH more likely than a snake one).