Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > bosc monitor - impaction

bosc monitor - impaction

22 13:32:39

hello Tracie.
i have just come back from a vacation to find my bosc monitor vertually paralised, very bloated ans lifeless. my hose sitter says that he followed my feeding instructions to the letter and never suffered before.
have an appointment in morning with vet, but is there anything i can do to help her??
have tried warm baths, massaging tummy, ect ect....
if there is anything else, would be gratefully recieved.

many thanks
Lee and Sarah
norwich UK

Hello Lee & Sarah,
Oh wow, how horrible!
What are you feeding him?
Were the temperatures possibly altered while you were gone?  If he was not warm enough to digest, then he most likely has an impaction.
In addition to warm baths & tummy massaging, try getting some canned pumpkin, & some sugar free applesauce.  Also, add maybe .5ml to 1ml of olive or mineral to mix up with the pumpkin & the applesauce.
Can you post a picture of your monitor for me?  What are the regular temperatures the he is kept at?
How old is he?  Do you use UVB lighting?

Let me know how he is doing!
