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Turtle, the listless gecko

22 14:15:12

QUESTION: Hi Tracie,

Thanks so much for all your help!  Turtle already seems better  The parasite med is "panacur."  .04 units weekly for four weeks (vet gave the first one).  The vet didn't seem as knowledgable about crested geckos as you are. so, two more questions...1.  we keep the temp at that too low (measured by a stick-on thermometer), 2.  I read about a bacterial infection that affects crested geckos..should we treat for that?

ANSWER: Hello Jan,

I hope Turtle is doing better.  
So what worms did he have?  The panacur is for worms like hookworms, pinworms, etc.  It is oral medication right?
So you give once weekly, for 1 month total, correct?  The .04 sounds good for the dosage.  He was dosed according to his weight right?
Let's wait to see if she improves from this first, before putting more harsh antibiotics into her system.  Bacterial infections have to be treated aggressively, so let's hope he doesn't have any trouble with that.

Let me know how things are going.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Tracie,

Turtle is better--but we don't know if it's the panacur or the UCB + calcium that's doing it.  Turtle is too small to test for parasites, we were just guessing and trying multiple approaches.  We have three more doses of the panacur--weekly starting next Wed (so it's a month long deal).  Is there any risk from the panacur if she doesn't have worms?  She's still wobbly on her feet, but already much stronger.  My hunch is that it was all the bone disease.  We cloroxed her tank (and rinsed, rinsed, rinsed!), cleaned everything else thoroughly...

Hello Jan,

I hope that Turtle is doing better & her appetite is picking up.
Did he do a fecal on her though to determine the need for panacur?  
Oh I see, you just gave the Panacur per the vet.  No the panacur certainly wont hurt her especially at that dosage, so no worries.  
Just make sure she stays hydrated.
I think it is most likely low calcium because she has not had any UVB exposure.  
Great that she seems stronger.  Keep me posted on her.
