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Beared dragon

22 13:27:47

My beared dragon has been shedding for about 3 days and eating is low but today he pooped green.  Is this normal?

Hi Pam,

Shedding can be an uncomfortable and itchy time for reptiles and it is not uncommon for them to go off their food around the shed cycle. The low humidity in winter also tends to make the old skin come off in small bits and pieces which prolongs the process a bit. You can help him along by spraying him with tepid water or giving him a brief soak which can help soften and loosen the old skin.

This time of year is also typically when beardeds enter into brumation (similar to hibernation) which can dramatically diminish their appetite.
I don't think that you need to be concerned about the greenish poop as long as you are talking about the fecal portion of the dropping (the brown "poop" part) and not the urates which is the creamy, pale yellow portion. Green urates can be a sign of liver problems. Diet can cause the colour of normal bearded droppings to vary from greenish to dark brown. As long as the poop was formed normally and not watery or foul smelling then I don't think you have anything to worry about.