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Bearded Dragon - Heat burns?

22 14:16:46

I have had a BD for 3 years now & everything has been sweet until now, we have noticed he has a red mark on the back of his neck, (I have a couple of pictures but can't send them via here). He has never done/had anything like this before, but we think he may of burn himself on his UVB light!
Now this is at the very top of his vivarium. But just recently he has been doing the 'glass dancing' thing lots & lots & in the past couple of days he's been trying to climb his vine things at the back of his viv, which he has never bothered with before.
I am looking for some help on what a burn on a BD looks like & if the images I have look like a burn & what to do next. I know a repti vet is the best bet, but we dont have any here where we live & our normal vet who deals with farm animals is closed till monday.
But obviously if he needs a vet we WILL find a suitable one & take him there.
Thanks for any kind of help you can give & if you want the pictures I will send them to you!
Thanks again
Lynz xxx

Hello Lynz,
If you want you can send me some pictures at

What type & brand of UVB light are you using, is it a flourescent tube bulb or a compact or coil light?  Or do you have a mercury vapor bulb?
How close do you have the lights to him?  He should not be able to get any closer than 6-8 inches to any of his lights, for safety.
I guess you will have to readjust everything in his tank if he is going to start climbing everything.
What sized tank are you using?
There is a cream that is great for burns called Silvadene that the vet can get you.  Or, if you want to order a generic brand that is much cheaper, it is called Thermazene.  You can find it on

Let me know how he is doing.
