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I think my Bullfrog might have brain damage!

22 14:36:23

I have three bullfrogs, and two of them are very large/healthy. But the third (now the smallest) now always has his head tilted. He wont walk forward, he only backs up and to turn left or right, he makes a complete circle. I dont think he is blind since there is no silvery/fogginess in his eyes. He also is still active, and still has his appetite. But If he somehow ends up on his back in the tank it is extremely hard for him to flip back over. I am terrified he may drown in the tank!
He is also the only frog out of the three that seems to like being held. He will crouch in your hand and close his eyes like he feels safe. He has never been dropped/ nor have I noticed any seizures. I just dont know what is wrong with him or why he seems handicapped. What can I do for him?

Hello Marie,
I beleive the best thing besides a trip to the vet (who probably wont be much help in this case) is to give him a separate enclosure away from all of the other frogs, as they might start picking on him. Survival of the fitess meaning they will harm the weak until only the strong survive. So his own enclosure may help. You might also have to baby proof it for him. Making it so there is tons of stuff for him but limited ways for him to get hurt.

I am sorry I couldn't be of more help. But I do hope this helps somewhat.
I do not know what could be wrong with him but I beleive he needs his own safe enclosure away from those who could harm him. And shallow water and limited high spaces.

Good luck!