Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Leopard Gecko is over wieght

Leopard Gecko is over wieght

22 14:01:40

Hello, My leopard gecko is 95 grams and I am convinced that the two bubbles under his armpits are fat pods. I read a few different places that adult leopard geckos are between 60 and 100 grams but I am concerned that he is over weight because he keeps getting fatter. his weight jumped from 85 grams to 95 grams in about 2 weeks. He does not eat everyday and eats only once every other day. I feed him mealworms (the big ones) and thats about it. he eats anywhere from 3 to 5 worms each feeding. There is not a big selection of things to feed him around here, and I find it very hard to keep crickets because they die so fast, so I have gave up on keeping them. how can i bring his weight down a bit and what kinds of other live foods can i feed him that are not fatty foods? By the way his tail is really fat and those bubbles keep getting bigger. but other than his weight he seems just find he doesn't really get out of his house much and i believe his weight is making him miserable. please help thank you.

Hello Michelle,

Hm, are you sure that your leopard gecko is a male or a gravid female?  
Can you post a picture of him for me?
Well, mealies are normally ok for them, but if he is having a weight problem you might want to steer completely away from them for awhile.  Try some phoenix worms or butter worms, either one are good.  They are calcium loaded as well.
Maybe you could get him out more often to let him run around in a little area that you close off for him?
