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Help My Beardie!

22 14:38:20

My female beardie is 3 yrs old.  She was having a hard time breathing and making "coughing" noises during forced exhalations.  The vet took x-rays and could not find cancer/pnemonia so they put her on antibiotics for respiratory infections.  She is doing a little better but I still don't know what she has!?  Also, do you have any tips for giving her oral medicine?  They are so delicate and I don't want to hurt her forcing her mouth open.

 You are doing the right thing for her by having her seen by her vet.  If the antibiotics are doing the job, that's great.  The only other thing the vet could have done would have been to culture any mucus coughed up to identify the infection.
  Most medications giving by the vet are flavored, so if you gently pull down the lower lip and apply a drop between lip and teeth, the dragon should lap drops of her medication from the tip of her snout after the first taste.