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Leopard Gecko Egg Bound...

22 13:36:13

My girl attempted to lay her eggs about three weeks ago in a lay box that consisted of vermeculite.She did this for about two days.Dug all the vermeculite out, i put it back in she went back in and tried to lay them again, then all the sudden she just stopped trying!The eggs have gotten pretty big....she has stopped eating also her tail is very thin now! I have bought wax worms,earth worms,and even a pinky and she wants nothing.She roams around but is not at all as active as she normally is and is getting very frail looking.Is there anything i can do??? I called the vet he told me to try and massage her..any hep PLEASE!!
Thank you in advance,

If you want a pic i can send one...thank you!

Hello Natasha,

Wow that is too bad that she has stopped trying to lay right now.  That isn't good though.
As far as what the vet said massaging "could" help, but I think if it is has gone this long that she would probably benefit from a quick exam.
If her eggs have dropped enough to post ovulatory stasis then the vet can give a hormone shot, called Oxytocin, which will help to induce labor within 48 hours if it is going to.  If it doesn't & she still can't lay, then, she is egg bound & will most likely have to get surgery if something is blocking her ability to lay them.
There really are no other alternatives.  Try soaking her in some warm water & getting some food into her with a syringe so she is not dehydrated & losing weight.  Use chicken or turkey baby food to help her out.
Let me know how she is doing.
