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Veild Cham.

22 14:32:17

HI, we have just recently purchased a veiled chameleon. I'm just worried that i might not be doing everything properly, be cause in the last 24 hours she has thrown up everything she has eaten lately. I'm coating her crickets in multi-vitamins twice a week, and giving her plenty of green veggies. though she rarely if at all eats the veggies. i heavily spray her cage twice a day. we've only had her 6 days. any advice?

Hi Cassandra, take your Chameleon to a vet, she may have a stomach problem. It could be nothing but because I am not medically trained I can not be sure on that. It doesn't sound normal though. Be sure the crickets are no bigger then the space between her eyes. Talk to a vet and let me know how it goes.

Good luck,