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Florida Black Racer Snake

22 14:03:29

I know these are harmless, however, I don't want to share my patio/pool area with them.  I heard moth balls will send them slithering away.  I know they sell "Snake away" also, but not sure what this exactly is.  Is there anything I can do to deter them from coming in my screened porch area with harming them?  I am deathly afraid of them and DO NOT want them in my home.  Thank you!

Don't waste your money on snake away (moth balls in a box from what I've heard).  You could try and plug the holes where they are coming in or just yourself a guinea hen or two, they are good at chasing away the snakes.  My guess is that you've created a perfect habitat inside your pool enclosure.  Ripe with plants and rocks and these tasty little things called lizards!  Black racer nirvana...

You've established they are harmless, and they do play an important role here in our FL ecosystem.  Maybe this is your watershed moment.  Perhaps you are destined to be become the world's preeminent expert on black racers!  Have fun.  B