Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > My Uromastyx

My Uromastyx

22 14:40:10

QUESTION: Hi Tracie, I have a uromastyx who's around 10 years old.  Rocky eats fine,
he's alert and active but I noticed that he's got a lump under his throat.  It's at
the base of his throat and it resembles a lump of food (as when a snake eats,
you can see it).  It's kind of solid.  What do you think this is?!  His behavior
and demeanor are normal, it's just this lump that has me concerned.

Thank you for your help with Rocky!

ANSWER: Hello Marie,

Wow a 10 year old Uro, huh?  That is awesome.  Rocky is eatin well & basking then, which is great.  
The lump could be an abscess, a cyst, or a tumor/growth of some sort.  Since you mentioned it is solid, I would lean more towards a cyst or a growth of some sort.  
I would get him to the vet so they can biopsy the area & culture it to see what it could be to make sure it is not an abscess with infection in it.  If he is feeling that good, he probably doesn't have an infection, but it is definitely something that should be looked at.  
Is he having any trouble breathing?  Does it move or give at all when you press on it?  Does it appear to cause him any pain when you press on it or touch it?

Let me know how he is doing.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No, his breathing is fine.  It moves some, like I said it's not completely solid
nor is it mushy!!  Hope that makes sense!  And no, it doesn't cause pain.  Is  
this a common thing for them to get?  Maybe it's age related?  And you know,
he's actually older than 10..I bought him in 1993.  Is that common for them
to live that long?  Jeeeez, he out-lived my Iguana!!!  Is there a website I can
go to for more info on his kind?

And thank you for quick reply Tracie!  You've taken al little bit of my concern
away!  I'll contact a vet and have him checked out, although he seems to be
doing great!

Hello Marie,

You can go to:    They have some good information on Uros' & caresheets, etc.  
If your Uro is older than 10 years, you must have been doing something right as they really are only supposed to live around 10 years.  Great job.
Great he seems to be breathing fine & does not seem to be in any pain.  It is hard to determine pain, but since he is eating, & basking that is good.
I think the longer a reptile lives, cancer, etc, will become a concern on some counts.  It may be simply a cyst & can be surgically taken out with no problem at all.  That is what needs to be determined though.
I would like to know the outcome of him though.  Thanks.
