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help my beardie is in trouble

22 11:51:59

my bearded dragon just developed a large bump on the top of his tail at the bottom of his back and now he wont move his legs at all its like he is paralyzed or something he is about 7 to 8 months and this has never happend befor but one thing i think may be the problem is that two days ago i introduced a lepard gecko into his tank and i dont know if it has something to do with the gecko or if he is just trying to pass a big poo please help me

Hello Archie,

I am sorry to hear about your dragon!  Do you have any pictures of him I could see?
Did you place the leopard gecko into his tank to feed to him?  If so, he could be impacted badly.  Did he eat the gecko?  
It is not a good idea to house a bearded dragon with another species of animal, but especially a smaller lizard/gecko such as a leopard gecko because they will eat it.
The large bump could be the impaction.  

I would suggest trying to soak him in a daily warm bath to try & help.  Do not feed him any feeders or insects right now.  You can try giving small amounts of sugar free applesauce, canned pumpkin & a couple of drops of olive or mineral oil, daily.  
This can help with impaction.

Make sure the basking temperatures are optimal for him in the range of 95-110 to help him digest.

Let me know how he is doing.