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Leopard Gecko Eye Problems

22 14:24:58

I have three geckos.  Shreko has recurring problems with shed remaining in her eyes after shedding.  The last time I took her to the vet, she actually had a lot of shed stuck in one eye and there was an infection.  The vet gave her an antibiotic and I continued to give her injections for 21 days.  I also used genticin for a week - 2x a day.  Her appetite came back and she has been eating voraciously - 3 wax worms a night.  The problem is that the shed continues to build in her eyes and both eyes look milky grey.  What can I do to help her?

 Since it appears to be a recurring problem, as her vet to show you how to remove sheds that adhere that bad.  Do you have a stone that is rough, like a paving stone in her habitat?  She may need it to rub against and help her shed.  I would try mealies and small supers instead of waxies, too much fat and not enough protein.  put them in a shallow glass bowl so she has easy access to them, and remember to also give her a shallow dish of calcium