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concern about bearded dragon

22 14:27:15

i have just purchased 3 bearded dragons 1 male and 2 females all in 1 viv that is 4 foot we have made a new viv for the male as he has been attacking one of the females and one of the other females is acting very strange we have been told she might be gravid but i am very worried she has only eaten 1 locust a day and she not eating any of her greens she is  over 1 that is what the people have said who we bought it of she is lying under her tunnel and staying there all day she is awake but not moving we have bought some of that gravel stuff sorry cant remember the name the 2 girls are now fighting a little since i put the stuff in do you think she may be gravid and how long are they gravid for and what shall i do if she wont eat or move around thanks alison p.s will you responed asap

Alison, it would be very difficult for me to diagnose your dragon via email.  She IS eating, but not much, you have "gravel stuff" in the cage, any chance she ingested some of that?  I certainly can't tell whether she's gravid via email.  I can't even determine sex.  Perhaps you need a trip to the vet?  Sorry but these aren't basic questions I can answer w/o actually seeing and holding the dragon.