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adult Bearded dragon not shedding,

22 14:24:11

Our dragon is about 18 months old.  She hasn't shed in the past 5 months.  Is
this normal?  Also, we live in MD and for the past 2 weeks, she isn't basking
much or eating as much.  When we take her out to feed her crickets, she
doesn't go after them.  She only eats if we use tongs to hand feed her.  We are
dusting with calcium and filling her bowl of greens daily.  We feed collard
greens and shredded sweet potato.  Could she be brumating?  Do we stop
offering food and turn off her lights?


 She is old enough to brumate.  For now, leave the lights on and only feed salad.  If she wants to deep sleep she will burrow or hide in her cave, then you can shut lights off.  She also may opt for the "branch potato" version of brumation.  Check this link and you will learn the various ways beardies brumate and what experienced owners have chosen to do during this time.