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Uromastyx possibly shedding

22 14:33:32

I got a uro for the first time about a week ago & am curious about shedding habits.  He seemed to be eating pretty well the first 4 days and now seems uninterested.  Heat is 115 on one side of tank around 85 on the other.  two hidey spots & a branch to climb around on, uva and uvb light for day time, 75ish at night.  we had him on millet seed for a while but have read that he may be eating just that, so we took him off, he's now on paper.  while switching the substrate I noticed he has some whitish clear flakes on his back and legs.  And he has not been running about today as he was previous.  could the slow down and lack of eating be related to an impending shed?

Hello Natasha, it is most likely getting ready and starting to shed. It is common that right before shed they will be stressed and not wanting to eat or like you say move. Its just stress that causes this and after shed he should be better. If he is having troubles shedding let me know because if its not taken care of he can get skin problems.

Good luck, let me know if there is anything else