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spiny desert lizard

22 14:32:08

I'm the owner of a spiny desert lizard which i bought at a pet store. I've had it for a year now and I've noticed some red scales underneath his tail. I was wondering if you know what this might be. I'm looking to take him to the vet as soon as I can. Trying to find a good one around Oakville, Ontario. Hope to hear from you soon.


Hello Camila,

The red scales underneath the tail, have you looked closely to see if the color could actually be mites perhaps?  Mites appear red in color so that is a possibility.  Try soaking him in some diluted betadine solution.  If he does have any mites, they usuall crawl to the surface & you can get them off of him pretty easily.
Other things it could be some raw skin from having a bad shed perhaps.  Has he shed recently?  Do you have any undertank heater or a heat rock that he could have burned himself on?
