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My green anole is always brown

22 14:32:45


I have a female green anole that is always brown.  I have researched this and found that green anoles turn brown if they are cold, stressed, or to blend in.  However, my anole has the perfect warm temperature day and night, I spray her two to three times a day, she eats crickets coated in calcium supplement three to four times a week, and spends all of her time in bright green plastic leaves I have in her large tank.  When I was researching I noticed that many people purchase their anoles in colonies.  My anole is alone.  I do not want to breed her, but do you think that the problem could perhaps be loneliness? Would purchasing another female anole perhaps help her? When I bought her she had been living with one other female in the tank and she used to be bright green.  What do you suggest?


Hi Carly,
Adding another Anole will stress her even more. Anoles are very territorial and do not enjoy having the company. They live on their own not in groups in the wild and they don't have a choice when it comes to being purchased. But getting her a friend will most likely result in stress, or fighting. It can be dangerous to her health.

There is either something wrong with her setup or she is ill or injured. Read up on a couple of care sheets (I added links below) and be sure everything is correct. Also if you are using a dial stick on thermometer throw it away and purchase a digital one. The dial stick on ones have been proven to be up to 20degrees F. inaccurate. Is she supplied with UV lighting? How large is her enclosure? Can she see a cat, dog, bird, other reptile? How large are the crickets you are feeding her?

Here is a Care sheet I have written, be sure everything adds up.
(there is a typo in the first line saying "brown anole" it was a typo when I spaced on what care sheet I was typing, I haven't had time to fix it yet)

Best of luck,