Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > think my lizard is dying

think my lizard is dying

22 14:27:13

QUESTION: how do i know if my lizard needs water he his acting very slow since i have give him lots of water and he seems to be getting better. how much does my lizard need?

ANSWER: Hi Lewis
No matter what type of lizard that you have they all need a moisture source

Whether it be a water dish that is washed and filled with fresh water daily or a species of lizard that needs to be misted with either a spray bottle or a misting system

I am sure that if you were not providing water for your lizard for an extended period of time that it has become dehydrated and hopefully with you now providing a daily supply of fresh water that he will be OK

Sandy aka LadyGecko

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: he needs misting. i held a bowl near his mouth and he drank loads i prayed the glass he acting very weird today. the tank is very moist and the temp is 77-80f is this the right heat? and thnak you for your help

ANSWER: Hi Lewis
It would really help to now exactly what type of lizard that you have as their moisture/humidity needs vary by species

Sandy aka LadyGecko

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: veiled chameleon!!!

i relly dont know how to look after it. it seems really scared is it because there is to much movement?

i dont have lamps or anything for it but the temp is 77-80f
and humitdy is is 100. and he hasnt eating for 2 days fink he mite of eating a fly yesturday and there is yellow poo is that normal.

Hi Lewis
Since I have never kept Chameleons I can only direct you to the links that i found by simply typing in "veiled chameleon care sheets" in my browser

The first one deals with hydration which is the main issue that you asked about

General Care

A forum

I hope that this helps as I have NO personal knowledge of keeping these lizards
Good Luck with your lizard

Sandy aka LadyGecko