Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > my gecko had his tail whacked off

my gecko had his tail whacked off

22 14:16:28

now there  is a red type balloon like looking tail thing growing.he seems ok.should i put some olive oil or neosporin
on it?

Hi Marie,
How long ago did it happen?  You can apply some Neosporin to it.  Its vital to remove any loose substrate in the tank and use only paper towels or other easily cleaned item that will not stick to the tail.  Extremely clean cage is needed.
If Your gecko is housed with other geckos, he needs to be kept separate from the others as they may nibble on the tail stump. Its important to find out why he lost his tail and prevent it from happening again.  Keep him away from stressful situations. Be sure to feed  gut loaded insects...gut load the insects for at least 48 hours prior to feeding to the gecko.  Feed the insects with high quality insect foods..grains, unsweetened cereals, fresh veggies, etc...the gel stuff is not  nutritional support for the insects.  The reason its vital to feed well fed insects to your gecko is that all their fat is stored in their tail. Be doubly sure there are no insects left in the geckos cage after he is done eating as the insects will also nibble on the tail stump and can cause serious infection.
You may want to do a search on google for a picture of what it looks like when a gecko drops their tail to be sure yours is looking normal as its very hard to know without seeing a picture.