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22 13:27:29

Hi,my Leo is shedding again so hopefully the shed that was in her eyes will come out now,she is still doing good nothing has change since we last talked. Today I got this little waterfall to hopefully get some more humidity in her cage. I do have a screen top and my fan is usally on high (I think that's why her humidity is low) now I've read mixed reviews on the fountains. What do you suggeste, like I said the top is a screened top so humidity can exscape and the far helps circulation I just wanted to get your oppioion on this. Thanks

Hi taylor,
Leos really aren't suppose to have a high humidity level...30-40%..which is normal household humidity levels.  Too high of humidity overall their tank can cause more problems for them.
This is why they only require a humid hide, as I talked about in the care sheet.
I think that if your home humidity levels are within normal range, you may do more harm than good for your leo.  Just be sure to provide the humid hide which is what they will go into when its time for them to shed. Keeping a lower humidity is also why we have to limit the amount of moisture we put into their tanks when misting them.  Leos are prone to respiratory infections which can be caused by too moist of air. I don't think the fan is necessary at all.