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22 11:53:29

Hi Tracie,
Stu just ripped a nail off his front claw, he's my 3 year old male beardie. I cleaned him up and used neopsorin with pain relief on the injured area, then i saw on the internet that using this product is toxic. I hurried and wash it off with soap and water then put regular neosporin ointment on him. Is Stu going to be ok?

Hello Bon,

No, the neosporin will be fine for use on his claw area.  That is too bad Stu ripped off his front claw!  How did he do that?
Did it bleed very much or at all?  
You can just wash it off daily with water & a diluted betadine rinse then reapply the neosporin ointment afterwards.

Let me know how he is doing.