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Spotted Gecko Health issue

22 14:00:59

We have had our gecko for 2 1/2 years and when we bought it, it had lost it's tail previously but had grown back out quite a bit.  Recently I have noticed that his tail is no longer wide and plump but has returned to normal size.  Which was good so I thought.  I went to pick him up yesterday and noticed that the area around his tail underneath is leaking some kind of fluid, and his eyes look cloudy to me.  Are these two things related?  What can I do to save him?

Hi Terra, Weight loss is usually a cause for concern with reptiles and discharge from the vent is certainly another red flag. I can only guess that you might be dealing with a possible bacterial or parasitic infection and either can become systemic and cause the cloudy eye problem. I have linked a response from a well respected reptile vet to a similar question about cloudy eyes. She lists a number of possible causes. As she instructs, try to determine if the cloudiness is on the surface or inside the eye. If the eyes also have a pus like discharge then they can be flushed with any saline used for contact lenses or any type of product suitable for human eyes. If the geckos eye sight has been going downhill for awhile then that certainly might cause weight loss. They are visual hunters.
Make sure the cage temperature is correct with a hot spot of around 90F, that will ensure that her immune system is functioning well. You may have to soak her to keep her hydrated and assist feed her if she is having trouble hunting. You don't need dehydration and malnutrtion further compromising her condition and recovery. With mulitple symptoms like that going on though I really think a vet visit is your best option. Most will try to work within your budget if you let them know your situation.