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American water dragons

22 14:46:56

how can you tell the sex? can any other reptile be in the same cage?
If you can help it would be great.Thanks

Hello Tammy, it is difficult to tell the gender but you will not know for sure until they are approximately 18 inches from snout tip to tail tip.  When they are that size you need to look at their underside where their vent is and see if they have prominent pores. Here are some pictures of some other people's Dragons.
(copy and paste the URL into your address bar)
If you want you can become a member of the site that I just gave you a link to. Its and it is a forum site. The water dragon section is great. I am a member and visit regularly. If you want you can become a member and post pictures of the underside (without holding him upside down) and see if the people their can tell the gender.

And to the second question. NO, don't mix any two different reptiles together. If you want two water dragons then that is ok as long as they both are not male. And they have the space. But no other lizard snake or turtle can be in the tank with a water dragon. Sorry but it is to risky with the different climates, different immunities, different personalities.

Anything else just ask and I look forward to seeing you at the repticzone forum. Have a nice day.