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Identifying my snake.

22 14:46:56

I recently bought a baby snake in a pet shop, and i know it the snake is a sub-species of the milk snake. I'm just not sure which, i also know it originated from Texas if that helps.
I would really like to know the sub-species of snake i own.
The snake has red black and yellow bands.

Determining subspecies can be quite difficult without knowing what geographic location it came from, or pictures of the snake. Descriptions of snake colorations must be very precise in language, and you must know the difference between a "band" and a "ring"; as red, black, and yellow bands or rings are common to almost all Milk Snakes. Milk Snakes are merely a species of King Snake. But there are many of them.

If it came from Texas, and it is a Milk Snake, then just based on best terrain for hunting snakes ( west Texas ), the chances are it's a Lampropeltis triangulum celaenops, or L.t.annulata subspecies.

You can look at the following link and see if any of the pictures or descriptions match with what you have.

Follow up:
One of the pictures I sent for you to compare to was an "exact double" of your snake...yet you rated me an "8" for knowledge? I didn't even so much as have a picture from you to go on.