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travelling with Jimmy

22 14:41:59

Hi.  I'm travelling back home on the train this coming Friday, which is about 3 hours in total and I have to take my leopard gecko with me.  I was thinking about using one of the steardy little plastic containers his locusts come in with some paper towels and air holes.  Will I need to take anything to keep him warm as its during the day time. Thank you

Hello a Small critter keeper would be better then a deli cup. You can find critter or cricket keepers in petstores they are little soild plastic containers with ventilated plastic lids with carry handles the smallest or second to smallest size would be best and you can add some bedding to add cover for the gecko to avoid undue stress. Also picking up a few heat packs used to keep peoples hands or feet warm would be great to have...they are the little things you squish to make them go warm...most people know what they are lol, You can try ooking for them in stores that sell work clothes they are claled hot pakcs I think, and if it gets cold you can always sit one by his container to keep him warm.