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Survival of my Bearded Dragon

22 14:18:38

Hi Sandra
On 7 January 2008 my bearded dragon female went missing and was nowhere to be found, we turned the house upside down, and nothing.  After a lot of tears and sore heart we decide on getting another one, a male.  I put up our Christmas tree on 3 December 2008 and last night 15 December 2008 i heard a movement in the Christmas tree, when i went to have a look, here she reappears.  This is exactly 11 months later.  She really enjoyed sleeping in the tree and must have when we packed it up, climbed in the box after the tree and so she got packed away.  She is still alive and immediately ate some crickets when i put her in my boys cage, obviously taking him out first.  
Now how would she survive without food, or not much if she got some somewhere and no water for 11 months?  She looks healthy, very skinny and very tiny.  She would be 2 years old in February 2009 but very small in size for her age.  My boy on the other hand is now 1y 4months old and he is huge.  
How will the two get along?  I will not put them together now as i would like her to build up strength first.  They will also be kept in separate cages.  
Will he kill her, being so much bigger than what she is?  Should i introduce them to one another slowly so they can get to know one another and maybe one day mate.
I am really shocked about the whole situation, it's really a little miracle.  But need to know a few things about the two together.  

Can you please give me some advise?

Hi Michelle
How very wonderful that you found your lost girl alive


Reptiles are amazing animals-I believe that if she was indeed packed away in the Christmas tree box that she went into a deep brumation

That can be the only logical explanation imho for her still being alive if in fact she was confined in a box without either food or water for almost a year

I guess that stranger things have happened in the world of reptiles

As for ever putting the two of them together-even after she regains her weight back and if she should grow a few more inches-I would be very hesitant to house them together as your male will have nothing short of breeding her on his mind as soon as they are placed in the same tank

If in a year or so-she appears to be healthy and large enough to carry and lay/pass eggs then perhaps you might consider breeding her

If you do not think that she is healthy enough to breed after a year or so-do not place them/house them together
Beardies do just fine living in a tank by themselves

I am very happy for you with your very pleasant Christmas surprise

Enjoy her-she is truly a "gift"

Sandy aka LadyGecko