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welfare of my mountain horned dragon (mhd)

22 14:18:44

i have owned a mhd for 3 weeks now the first day it ate 2 waxworms and that has bin it since i am worried. she is drinking fine and layed a cluch of 16 eggs and still fine. she is brilliant to handle considering she came from a pet shop not scitty at all. is there any way to incourage her to eat .

thanks chris

Chris, I would stop all handling until it is eating.  Make sure the cage has plenty of space, I prefer screen over glass.  Make sure it is well planted. Make sure to provide UVB and keep temps below the mid 80's.  Offer a variety of prey items and make sure all prey is well fed before it is eaten.  That being said, 3 weeks w/o food is a long time and in my experience w/ MHD's 50% make it and 50% don't...  Even w/ 100% correct and proper care.  What I'm saying is prepare yourself...  You might try forcing some Pedialyte or similar electrolyte substance down the throat but that can be as stressful as it is helpful...  Good Luck!