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yellow belly turtles

22 14:38:46

my sons female turtle has bitten the males willie,there was some blood &my partner had to seperate them.what should we do?

Hi Michelle, Ouch! Was the bite part of a pattern of aggressive, biting behaviour or a single isolated incident? Has she been nipping at his feet and tail as well? You may need to verifiy that she is actually a female, it is usually males who show aggressive behaviour but crowded conditions can bring out aggression in either sex. If she has not been generally aggressive toward him then the bite may just have been a feeding mistake. She simply mistook it for something edible.
I assume the male's penis has retracted back into his tail which makes it rather impossible to treat the wound with a topical ointment. Keep an eye on him for developing infection, keeping his water clean and making sure he has access to the proper basking temperture (which will boost his immune system) should help prevent infection.