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what happens if a tail falls off

22 13:56:38

hi I've heard of lizards tails falling off but i thought they grew back as normal, do leopard geckos grow back as a fat tailed leopard gecko. because i wanted to get another one but i couldn't find them at the pet stores  

Hi Jevin,
Leos do regrow their tail but its not as nice as their original tail.  Some will grow back with a more bulbous look to it.
Here are some links to pictures of a regrown tail.  The following link shows the tail drop from day one until its healed.  Its a bit graphic but very interesting.

Here  are pics(Nipper) of one of my rescues that had a regrown tail which you can see the more bulbous look to it.  It did loose some of that look as the tail grew longer, but as I said they are never as nice as their original tail.

Hope this helps you out!!