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Lizard in house!

22 13:31:45

A small black and blue lizard has gotten inside that I have been unable to catch. Both times I've seen it and attempted to catch it, it runs up high in my drapery and disappears. Any suggestions on how to catch/attract it to release it back outdoors and in the meantime, how long can it live without food and water? If I am unable to locate it, what can I expect in regards to the remains and decomposition? Will it smell bad if I don't find it?

Hello Sheila,

Hm, where in the US, are you located at?  That would help try to determine what type it could be.  Approximately, how big is, just a rough estimate?
It could be a skink of some type, as a lot of them have blue tails.
Well, he wont last forever in there with no food or water.  It depends on how much fat storage he has.  He could last several weeks, as lizards are pretty hardy but, I wouldn't think that it would last much longer than a month or so, if that.  It most likely wont smell bad, if you can't get it outside, as it is small.  
Have you tried getting a large plastic bin in which you could try to knock him off of the drapery carefully when you see him?  Do you have any mealworms or anything that you could put in a small dish to try & attract him?

Good luck, they are fast!
