Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > bearded dragon bloody poop/ urine

bearded dragon bloody poop/ urine

22 11:49:21

My bearded dragon has been having bloody poops for the past 3 days, but has been eating regularly. He never pooped regularly for the past 3 years since he was a baby. I've always had to put him in a tub full of warm water to get him to poop, or take him outside during the hot days in summer. The temps in his tank is fine, 100 on hot side, around 75-80 on cold. He eats 5-7 crickets a day, and veggies every day too. The blood is in his urinary/white part.

I appreciate the answer, thank you

Hello Nathaniel,

The blood in the urates can be due to dehydration or renal issues.  
It could also just be an irritated GI tract.  Did you get a fecal done on him yet?  I would recommend that first, just to see if he has worms/parasites that are high in numbers.
Are you using a UVB light & if so what type & brand do you use?
How often do you give calcium?
Do you have any pictures of him?
