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Juvie not eating pt. 3

22 13:26:22

QUESTION: Me and Binti again.

Not too much has happened since she last ate, where she only had one worm. No nice poops to observe, no real change in habits. She's coming out a bit less lately - not at all during the day (or, it seems, as soon as anybody wakes up, before the light even comes out), and only briefly at nights for water, pooping, and occasionally, to stare at me. Her tail has gotten a little bit thinner, but her body weight is still okay.

When's the point that I should start getting worried enough to try eye-dropping a little bit of baby food on her nose? I bought some beef & broth baby food, so I hope it'll work out.

ANSWER: Hello Amber,

Geez, I thought she would be getting adjusted now.
I think you will need to get a fecal done on her to possibly medicate her now since she is not improving on her own.  If her stools are that runny, she most likely has parasites or worms, or both.
I would go ahead & start assist feeding her with the baby food right now, to ensure she is getting nutrition & calories.  Make sure to include a small pinch of calcium with the food, also for her.

Let me know how Binti is doing.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi again.

Her stools aren't runny. They just nearly don't exist. She will only have white urates in them now. Tonight, she didn't come out from under her hide at all. I'm not sure I could get a fecal done on her since there's really nothing to test. The one thing I have noticed ever since she started being 'sick' like this is how often her eyes are closed. If I offer her food, she turns her head and her eyes close. If she sits around in one place too long, she closes her eyes. They can open - if I happen to make too much noise during the day or disturb her somehow, she will open them fully and watch me, but that doesn't last long. There seems to be absolutely no debris or shed stuck in her eyes and this all only came about after her first shed with me, and consequent regurgitation of that shed and a mealworm together. Does that eyes thing mean something?

ANSWER: Hello Amber,

Oh she is not having any stool because she is not eating.
Try to start getting some food into her so you can get a fecal done on her.
Closing the eyes often is a sign of stress & overall just not feeling well.  
If she is not holding down her worm or her shed, she is having a digestive issue which could be a worm or parasite issue.  
Was she kept on sand previously before you got her?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I'm not entirely sure, but I think it was just a bare-bottom tank. She was eating fine with me for about two weeks before she had her first shed, which caused the regurgitation. After that, she ate once, then has been like this since. The one worm she ate a few nights ago, she kept down, but I never saw any poops out of it, just urates.

I've just misted down her tank to try to coax her out. It's something she previously enjoyed every time I did it (once a week or so) because she seems to love coming out and licking up all the water droplets. Hearing the sprayer caused her to move closer to her hide's exit, so I'll wait and see if she comes out so I can try to feed her some baby food.

Hello Amber,

Ok, that is good she as not kept on sand previously.  
Were you able to get some baby food into her?  At least she will drink the water after you spray her tank down a little bit.
Her shed seems to have upset her system for some reason.  Maybe the relocation has caused her some GI disturbances, also
Let me know how she is doing.
